News 2022
2022, NOVEMBER 27th - DECEMBER 3th
TeamAware mid-term demonstrations

In the frame of the European H2020 TeamAware project
(GA 101019808), Dune attended the TeamAware mid-term demonstrations in Ankara (TR): five intense days of demonstrations and fruitful presentations and discussions.
In the frame of the WP7 (Team Monitoring System) demonstration, the Arianna system, embedding the new COILS algorithms, was directly tested by the end-users, showing excellent tracking results, arousing significant interest from the audience.
2022, November 18
IMU-GNSS fusion at the SPOMT2022, Beijing, China

The Inertial-GNSS fusion developed by DUNE in the frame of the European project TeamAware, will be presented at the SPOMT2022, 5th International Symposium on Precision
Opto-Mechatronics Technology, held in Beijing, China, on November 18th, 2022, sponsored by the Chinese Society of Inertial Technology and organised by the Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices (BIACD).
The conference will be a mix of in-presence and online attendance and the presentation of DUNE about TeamAware project will be managed by a remote session.
2022, June 20-25th
Attendance at Interschutz 2022

In the frame of the European H2020 TeamAware project
(GA 101019808), Dune attended the Interschutz 2022 in Dresden (DE), seven years after its last edition.
Intershutz is among the most important exhibitions in the world regarding safety, with the main focus on firefighters.
The 2022 edition hosted more than 1.300 exhibitors worldwide.
Dune showed its ARIANNA system, attracting the interest and engaging many stakeholders belonging to both homeland security and defense areas.
2022, April 1st
Demo performed by the National Fire Agency of the Taiwanese Ministry

In the frame of the commercial cooperation between ARIANNA and the Taiwanese Company Glory-Tek, a challenging and successful demo has been performed on 01/04/2022 by the National Fire Agency of the Taiwanese Ministry of the Interiors.
The staff involved by the firefighters performed several trials, with a mix of indoor-outdoor paths, stairs, and movements. The image represents one of the tests performed during the demonstrations.
2022, March
Editorial about ARIANNA published in the "Tecnologia ed Innovazione" magazine

The Italian technologic magazine "Tecnologia ed Innovazione" published an editorial about ARIANNA in the March 2022 issue.
The title of the article (written in Italian) is "Teamaware project: rescuers of the future". The article focuses on the current four main technologic gaps affecting the first responders and the relevant solutions pursued by the project.
ARIANNA teams up with the Teamaware project (24 partners, fully funded by the European Commission) to solve the first technologic gap about the geo-localization of the first responders, also leading the Work Package about the Team Monitoring System.