News 2019
2019, Dec.
ARIANNA contributes to the Open research Data Pilot of the European Commission

In the frame of the PROTECT project, a whole set of raw and processed data has been publicly made available for the research community. The data are FAIR (Free, Accessible, Interoperable, Readable), in compliance with the reccommended prectices of the European Commission.
Inertial Measurement Unit raw data in TXT open and readable format, to be used for processing and testing the pedestrian dead reckoning algorithms by the inertial and indoor tracking scientific community.
The raw inertial data have been collected and made publicly available in the frame of the SME Phase 2 project PROTECT (820867), co-funded by the European Commission.
The datasets have an unique DOI on Zenodo (10.5281/zenodo.3594854) and are indexed also on OperAIRE (here)
2019, Dec. 10
ARIANNA at the New Space Economy ExpoForum Security panel in Rome (IT)

DUNE has been invited to introduce the boost in the situational awareness provided by the ARIANNA system at the panel “The role of space in handling emergencies”, in the frame of the first edition of the New Space Economy ExpoForum (NSE), held in Rome from 10 to 12 December 2019.
The first edition of NSE closes with great success. 140 exhibitors including enterprises, research centers, institutions and startups, 184 speakers among the most influential world experts in the space sector, 60 vertical sessions on data analytics, future markets, new mobility, new space economy, new finances and new services.
2019, Nov. 24, Dec. 9
ARIANNA trials and on-field demonstrations in Beijing

In the frame of a joint cooperation activity started in 2018 with the Chinese BIACD (Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices), DUNE and the BIACD performed many stress-tests on the real-time ARIANNA tracking capabilities, both with the DUNE and BIACD sensor units.
The tests ranged from the laboratory calibration of the devices, up to “stress-tests” with 45 minutes of mixed walk, run, still phases, stairs and elevators.
The achievement of a 0.5% error of the walked distance was considered as a “target” performance; this goal has been constantly achieved, attaining accuracies as low as 0.2% in most of the experiments.
2019, November 19-22
ARIANNA at the MILIPOL in Paris (FR)

DUNE has been invited by the EASME (Executive Agency for SMEs) of the European Commission to attend the MILIPOL in Paris 2019.
MILIPOL is an important military and security exhibition that in his 21th edition took place in Paris and hosted more than 1000 exhibitors from all around the world.
DUNE, hosted in the European Papillion, showed its ARIANNA tracking system, attracting the interest of many stakeholders belonging to both homeland security and defense areas.
2019, October 9-11
ARIANNA at the FLORIAN exhibition in Dresden (DE)

ARIANNA has attended the FLORIAN exhibition in Dresden (DE), partially co-funded by the European Commission in the frame of the PROTECT project (SME Inst. Phase 2), publicly presenting the first version of the renewed and improved system, capable of simultaneously monitoring the health status and tracking the position of the user.
Many real-time demonstrations have been performed and several contacts have been started with Companies (mostly protective clothing and boots) and with Academic Institutions; agreements for extensive demonstrations in 2020 have been defined with some Czech and German departments of firefighters. A vivid interest has been shown by the journalists Feuerwehr Fachjournal magazine, who decided to dedicate a full-page article to the ARIANNA system in the January 2020 issue.
2019, October, 31
ARIANNA patents its Adaptive Step Detection algorithm

ARIANNA can handle a widespread ensamble of movements (e.g. walking, running, crawling, sweeping foot, squatting, bending, standing still).
This is possible, because ARIANNA implements a proprietary processing technique for the Adaptive Step Detection, that now is protected by the Patente EPO number: IT201700088521A1
2019, October, 5
New ARIANNA video Teaser

In the frame of the PROTECT project (co-funded by the European Commission SME Instrument-Phase 2), a new video teaser has been designed and produced by the professional Communication Company Entropy-KN, by employing professional actors and drones.
The new video teaser, two minutes long, is now in the main page of this ARIANNA site and is currently used as a promotional tool in trade fairs and exhibitions.
2019, July, 9
ARIANNA demonstration with ITALPOL in Rome (IT)

A new demo on the Dune's ARIANNA Indoor tracking system has been done at the Partner/Customer ITALPOL in Rome.
The ITALPOL is an Italian company with a long-dated experience on security market and patrolling. ITALPOL, in the frame of their customer's care policy, is targeting at improving their security patrolling report by using an indoor tracking system and selected ARIANNA system as a suitable product in the denied GPS environment, matching their needs.
2019, May, 14-21
Lectures on inertial tracking ate the BIACD premises in Beijing

In the frame of a joint cooperation activity started in 2018 with the Chinese BIACD (Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices), DUNE has been invited to hold a series of lectures on the inertial tracking and drift compensation principles.
The lectures, tailored on an audience with a post-doc background, included also hardware and implementation-trade off aspects, along with the management of the issues coming from the calibration of the MEMS-based inertial devices.
The lectures have been attended by several engineers and executive-level staff of the BICAD. The received positive feedbacks paved the route for an experimental follow-up, planned for Nov./Dec. 2019
2019, January
ARIANNA B2B procurement in Taiwan

A first commercial step of ARIANNA in Taiwan: in the frame of a "Business to Business" cooperation, a number of ARIANNA systems have been purchased by an important commercial Organisation in Taiwan, to be delivered to a Government Agency of first responders.
The procurement has been the offspring of a collaboration started in 2018, carried out with extensive trials and demonstrations, performed by both a Taiwanese Company and a Government Agency.