News 2021
2021, October 21st
First tracking test for K9 units at the MILIPOL in Paris (FR)

During MILIPOL 2021, our ARIANNA system was tested for the tracking of a not-human element of a K9 unit of a European Law Enforcement Agency.
Although ARIANNA has been designed for humans, its (patented) flexible technology has demonstrated to be up to the task.
To our best knowledge, this represents the very first successful tracking of a K9 unit dog.
2021, October 19th-22th
ARIANNA at the MILIPOL in Paris (FR)

DUNE has been invited as guest of ALLWAN Security France to attend the MILIPOL 2021 in Paris.
MILIPOL is an important military and security exhibition in Paris. This 22nd edition hosted more than 1.000 exhibitors worldwide.
DUNE, showed its ARIANNA tracking system, attracting the interest of many stakeholders belonging to both homeland security and defense areas.
During the MILIPOL days, long-duration demonstrations have been carried for the interested attendees, testifying to the excellent system capabilities, despite the adverse harsh environment (i.e., the massive presence of BlueTooth devices and jammers).
The image reports the result of a 6-hour long test performed at the MILIPOL, overlaid to the exhibition map.
2021, October 14th-16th
ARIANNA at the Innotech Expo in Taiwan (TIE)

Taiwan Innotech Expo (TIE) 2021 has been hosted in Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition and counted over 50,000 total visitors. The inventions competition exhibited over 400 inventions from individual inventors, industries, academia, and research institutions worldwide.
ARIANNA has been presented at TIA by our Taiwanese business partner Glory-Tek: a number of ARIANNA demo-kits have been shipped at TIA and several demonstrations have been performed, rising a significant interest among the attendees.
2021, August 1st
First newsletter of the TeamAware project

The first issue of the TeamAware project newsletter is online and can be seen in the project website (here) or on the LinkedIn page (here).
ARIANNA staff is thrilled to set itslef on this Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action project, under the call H2020-SU-SEC-2019 (SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020) – Technologies for first responders, (total budget of 6,964,702 EUR) for the next three years (May 2021 – Apr 2024).
The main objective of the TeamAware Project is to develop an integrated and cost-efficient situational awareness system for first responders from different sectors with heterogeneous and hardly interoperable sensor units including drone mounted, wearable, and external sensor systems.
DUNE srl, with its ARIANNA system, will lead the Work Package 7, focussed on the seamless indoor-outdoor localisation and tracking of first responders, in harsh and GNSS-denied conditions.
2021, July 30th
First shooting of an ARIANNA promotional video with real-time performance

All the actors involved in the shooting of the new promotional video of ARIANNA have been equipped with working ARIANNA systems, enabling their continuous tracking during the (more than one hour long) shooting of the video. The impersonated characters are a group of soldiers patrolling and securing an extended underground area, mimicking all the real movements occurring in such a situation (e.g. run, walk backward, move sideways, reverse walk, crouch), plus several repetitions of the same movements, due to shooting needs.
ARIANNA is quite confident of its performance, therefore offers a promotional video with the “real thing” going on, maybe less attractive of "nice" CGI generated tracks, but representing what would have been actually obtained in real-time, during the operation.
2021, June 29th-July 1st
ARIANNA at the SOFINS, 5th edition, Martignas-sur-Jalle (FR)

Hosted in the Allwan Security booth, the ARIANNA system has been shown at the SOFINS (Special Operations Forces Innovation Network Seminar), 2021 edition (June 29th-July 1st). Unique in Europe, this seminar is the meeting of the industry and the special forces, representing an opportunity for industries and start-ups to present their latest innovations which will be tested in real conditions by the special forces and units.
As expected, ARIANNA created interest and commercial contacts were triggered.
2021, May
Editorial about ARIANNA published in the "Tecnologia ed Innovazione" magazine

The Italian technologic magazine "Tecnologia ed Innovazione" published an editorial about ARIANNA in the May 2021 issue.
The title of the article (written in Italian) is "Three-dimensional mapping of underground environments".
The article focusses on the possibility to quickly generate the mapping of unknown environments using Arianna a faster and safer system than those currently in use.
2021, May 12
ARIANNA invited at the IFAFRI committee meeting

IFAFRI (International Forum to Advance First Responder Innovation), is an organization set up by international government leaders. It gives a greater voice to first responders. The Forum focuses on the technologies needed to help first responders conduct their missions safely, effectively and efficiently.
ARIANNA has been invited to hold a lecture about its recent achievements, as it represents a viable and cost-effective solution to the IFAFRI technology gap-1.
2021 February, 1st
ILOC project funded by the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic

ILOC is a 30 months-long research project supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (project no. FW03010023), TREND programme, the 3rd call of the programme for applied research, experimental development, and innovation.
ILOC stands for “Location and navigation system integrated in protective footwear and gloves for rescuing people”; it is based on a foot-mounted IMU (i.e., ARIANNA) and the development of an innovative “Smart Glove with Navigation” (a glove-mounted IMU with display). Their integration provides both the location of the firefighter and the visual representation on the glove of the track to be followed toward the safest escape route.
Beside DUNE (ARIANNA manufacturer), the ILOC partners are the University of West Bohemia-RICE, Holík (Project leader and protective clothing manufacturer), providing all the necessary expertise needed for the achievement of the project objectives.
2021, January
Editorial about ARIANNA published in the "Tecnologia ed Innovazione" magazine

The Italian technologic magazine "Tecnologia ed Innovazione" published an editorial about ARIANNA in the January 2021 issue.
The title of the article (written in Italian) is "Localisation without GNSS: an impossible challenge?".
The article focusses on the difficulties associated with the use of the location-aiding infrastructure and then analyses ARIANNA as a viable and cost-effective solution.
2021, January 17
Project TeamAware formally approved and funded by the European Commission

ARIANNA is extremely proud to share good news!
The Project TeamAware, submitted to the European Commission, under the Security call H2020-SU-SEC-2020m Topic TRS-02 "Technologies for First Responders", has been formally approved. The proposal submission has been ranked 15/15 (quite uncommon ranking).
The project has 24 partners, about 900 man-months and a total budget of 7 M€. ARIANNA staff will lead the Workpackage specifically addressed to the localisation and tracking.
Good luck, TeamAware!
2021, January
ARIANNA published on "NOI", the official magazine of the Italian Firefighters

ARIANNA is present at pg. 15 of the Issue 23, 2021 of the Official Magazine of the Italian Firefighters, published by the Italian Ministry of the Interiors.